[firebird-support] Basics of Statistics - Mathematics: Mean (Average), Median, Mode and Range ?
Roberto Carlos rc.1990@bol.com.br [firebird-support]
2016-12-01 03:41:26 UTC
Basics of Statistics - Mathematics: Mean (Average), Median, Mode and Range

I want to calculate Mean (Average), Median, Mode and Range in Firebird 2.5 and 3.0.

I know that Firebird internal function for Mean (Average) is AVG(), but what are the internal functions for Median, Mode and Range in Firebird 2.5 and 3.0?

If there are not such functions, how can I calculate them using Firebird?

Thanks for all and any help.

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Svein Erling Tysvær setysvar@gmail.com [firebird-support]
2016-12-01 10:18:08 UTC
Don't know whether Firebird has internal functions for this or not and it
is likely that there are more elegant solutions available, but the below
queries should be ways to get what you ask (although I don't know whether
you want to return all values for mode and whether or not you want the
average in case of two median values).

execute block returns (mode integer) as
declare variable occurences integer;
declare variable dummy integer;
select <MyField>, count(*)
from <MyTable>
group by 1
order by 2 desc
rows 1
into :dummy, :occurences;
for select <MyField>
from <MyTable>
group by 1
having count(*) = :occurences
into :mode do

execute block returns (median decimal(9, 1)) as
declare variable occurences integer;
declare variable RowsFrom integer;
declare variable RowsTo integer;
select count(*)
from <MyTable>
into :occurences;
RowsFrom = ((:occurences-1)/2)+1;
RowsTo = (:Occurences/2)+1;
with tmp(tmp) as
(select cast(<MyField> as decimal(9, 1))
from <MyTable>
rows :RowsFrom to :RowsTo)
select sum(tmp)/(:RowsTo-:RowsFrom+1)
from tmp
into :Median;

select max(<MyField>)-min(<MyField>) as Range
from <MyTable>

Post by Roberto Carlos ***@bol.com.br [firebird-support]
Basics of Statistics - Mathematics: Mean (Average), Median, Mode and Range
I want to calculate Mean (Average), Median, Mode and Range in Firebird 2.5 and 3.0.
I know that Firebird internal function for Mean (Average) is AVG(), but
what are the internal functions for Median, Mode and Range in Firebird 2.5
and 3.0?
If there are not such functions, how can I calculate them using Firebird?
Thanks for all and any help.
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Roberto Carlos rc.1990@bol.com.br [firebird-support]
2016-12-05 01:52:19 UTC
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<p>Solved. Thanks.


De: "Svein Erling Tysvær ***@gmail.com [firebird-support]"
Enviada: 2016/12/01 08:18:14
Para: firebird-***@yahoogroups.com
Assunto: Re: [firebird-support] Basics of Statistics - Mathematics: Mean (Average), Median, Mode and Range ?

Don't know whether Firebird has internal functions for this or not and it is likely that there are more elegant solutions available, but the below queries should be ways to get what you ask (although I don't know whether you want to return all values for mode and whether or not you want the average in case of two median values).

execute block returns (mode integer) as
declare variable occurences integer;
declare variable dummy integer;
select , count(*)
group by 1
order by 2 desc
rows 1
into :dummy, :occurences;
for select
group by 1
having count(*) = :occurences
into :mode do

execute block returns (median decimal(9, 1)) as
declare variable occurences integer;
declare variable RowsFrom integer;
declare variable RowsTo integer;
select count(*)
into :occurences;
RowsFrom = ((:occurences-1)/2)&#43;1;
RowsTo = (:Occurences/2)&#43;1;
with tmp(tmp) as
(select cast( as decimal(9, 1))
rows :RowsFrom to :RowsTo)
select sum(tmp)/(:RowsTo-:RowsFrom&#43;1)
from tmp
into :Median;

select max()-min() as Range




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